Nancy Calicchio seeks to capture the great beauty of Vermont’s landscape through her work. Her paintings reveal her fascination with the natural world - sky, mountains, hills, brooks and streams, trees and fields – as well as her interest in working farms. Painting outside in every season is a way of probing this world, of engaging all her senses in the scene.
When she sets up her easel, she searches for the play of light, for it is light and shadow that shape the form and light that reveals the color. She feels that when she is truly engaged in what she is painting, she becomes part of it. It is her greatest desire that this feeling will resonate through the painting to the viewer and bring to life the beauty and joy of our landscape.
In her square format Vermont Sky paintings, many of which are painted in the studio, she explores the relationship between earth and sky. She invites the viewer to feel the long view of the overlapping hills and the mysterious ambiguity of the far horizon as she searches to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface.