Detail of A Love Supreme, 2022 by N. Carlos Jay

CityPlace Streetscape
As part of the ongoing Great Streets Initiative, the CityPlace Streetscape Project seeks to incorporate public art into the streetscape surrounding the new mixed-use facility. This call to artists specifically aims to attract applicants who identify as Black or brown, historically marginalized or disenfranchised individuals, or individuals who may not have had access to traditional arts education and training and are looking to add public art project experience to their portfolio. The deadline for submitting qualifications was September 22, 2023, 11:59 PM EDT. If you have questions, please email Colin Storrs at

Great Streets Initiative: Main Street
The City of Burlington is currently in the process of commissioning public artwork to be integrated into the renovation of Main Street, between South Union Street and Battery Street, as part of the Great Street Initiative. This renovation is the culmination of many years of planning and project development designed to make new investments in the downtown’s public infrastructure. The project is intended to ensure that Burlington residents have a downtown that is a vibrant, walkable, and sustainable urban center.
In November 2022, Burlington City Arts issued a Call-to-Artists for artists to submit their qualifications for review by a community panel. The panel has selected 15 finalists to create site-specific proposals, which will be reviewed and the final artwork will be integrated into the project in the summer of 2023.
You can find more information about the Great Streets Initiative here.