Starting by pressing a plant into paper and seeing what grows from that, I add bits from my dense “to do” lists that represent everyday life. Moments of wholeness created out of fragmentation result. I made a 2-part wall sculpture in my home. Lists and Dreams bridges the gap between my copious lists of daily obligations and my future hopes and ambitions. A 2-minute video of this installation can be seen at In my drawings and sculptures, imagery is inspired by basic human needs: shelter, food, clothing, work, and intimacy, and take the form of the human body, vegetable and animal life, and artifacts and architecture. The natural world connects with the human-made world – reality and fantasy meld. My sculpture and works on paper have been exhibited in museums and galleries internationally, including Exit Art, Thread Waxing Space, and Artists Space in New York; Kunsthaus in Hamburg; Hangaram Art Museum in Seoul; Windspiel Galerie in Vienna; Centre des Arts Visuels in Montreal; Couvent des Cordeliers in Paris; Tampa Museum of Art in Florida; and Fleming Museum in Vermont. Corporate and public collections include Songchu Art Valley International Sculpture Park, Tufts University, Kohler Company, Fleming Museum, Milan Hilton, Whole Foods Market, and Tampa Museum of Art. Public projects have been specific responses to architecture, history, and landscape. Commissions have included Wave Hill in New York; Songchu Art Valley International Sculpture Park in Korea; Housing Vermont and Burlington City Arts in Vermont; John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Wisconsin; Musée d’Art Contemporain in Montreal; and Pinellas County Cultural Affairs, City of Tampa Public Art Program, and Broward Public Art and Design Program in Florida. I received a B.A. from the University of Vermont, an M.F.A. from the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College, and attended the Central School of Art and Design in London. I was born in Montreal, grew up Vermont, and live in Winooski.