Upcoming Exhibitions

A mural of a figure with a colorful heart in a wheelbarrow.
Passages: Identity, Memory, and Transformation

Passages features a group of contemporary artists who embrace themes of journey and transformation in their art. The exhibit examines each artist’s unique drive to redefine themselves and transcend the world around them. Some artists claim agency as they assert personal or cultural identity; other artists create work that recognizes the complexity of societal constructs and expectations, or shared inequalities. Featuring regional and national artists, Passages is a visual investigation of the process of transition – from the creative to the narrative – moving to a greater understanding of our individual and collective experience.

BCA Center first floor.

Artists: ArtLords, Leyla Faye, Stephen Hamilton, Michelle Im, Michelle Samour

Image: ArtLords, Foodworks, Brattleboro VT, mural, 2023

The 2024 exhibition year is presented by Mascoma Bank. Fall exhibitions are supported in part by the Maslow Family Foundation. Hospitality sponsor, Lake Champlain Chocolates. Burlington City Arts is supported in part by the Vermont Arts Council & the National Endowment for the Arts.

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