A Korean American woman with dark hair and a green blouse points to an installation of fuzzy multi colored oblong sculptural forms that spring from the wall and from a platform. She speaks to a light skinned woman with short grey hair
Virtual Artist Talk: Hyunsuk Erickson

Kick off your Art Hop weekend by joining BCA for an interactive, online program with artist Hyunsuk Erickson who discusses her exhibition Thingumabob Society. Exploring ideas of materiality, resourcefulness, and identity, Hyunsuk shares insights on her process and ideas that merge sculpture and craft traditions in her room-size installation.


2023 Exhibition Year presented by Mascoma Bank


Sponsored in part by Leunig’s Bistro & Café and the Maslow Family Foundation. Hospitality sponsors, Lake Champlain ChocolatesFarrell Distributing, and Prophecy Wines. Burlington City Arts is supported in part by The Vermont Arts Council & the National Endowment for the Arts.

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