A black bird like sculpture with many yellow eyes standing on a white pedestral.
Stéphanie Morissette: Speculative Future
BCA Center

Family Art Saturday                               

Saturday March 22, 2025, 11am-1pm 

BCA Center, 135 Church St, 4th Floor 


Artist Talk with Stéphanie Morissette                                

Thursday, March 27, 2025, 6-7:30pm 

BCA Center, 135 Church St, LBG Room 
Zoom option available


Friday, February 14 – Saturday, May 24, 2025
BCA Center - Second Floor     


Stéphanie Morissette explores the conflicting relationship between humans, nature, and technology. Using insightful observation and dark humor, the artist imagines a future where biological specimens and mechanical technology have merged to create a new, hybrid species of birds and flying creatures. Through a selection of works on paper from her Birds of Prey series and mixed-media bird-drone sculptures, the artist questions the troubling realities and murky ethics underlying scientific research in synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and weapons of war.


Stéphanie Morissette is represented by JANO Gallery, Montréal.

Stéphanie Morissette: Speculative Future is supported in part by the Maslow Family Foundation. Burlington City Arts is supported in part by the Vermont Arts Council & the National Endowment for the Arts.  



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