People smile during an opening reception at the BCA Center.
BCA Summer Exhibitions Artist Reception
BCA Center

Join BCA and our exhibiting artists on Friday, June 12 from 5-7 pm for drinks and light refreshments as we celebrate the opening of our summer exhibitions Essential Figure and Rachel Rose: Lake Valley.

Essential Figure explores the diverse identities and narratives of people through intersections of race, class, and gender. These artists enliven and expand the figurative tradition as they simultaneously reflect shifting social and cultural perspectives. Featuring artists: Sophie Cangelosi, Jennifer McCandless, Hannah Morris, Enrico Riley, Suzy Spence, and Lorenzo Triburgo and Sarah Van Dyck.

In Lake Valley, video installation artist Rachel Rose creates a dreamlike narrative centered on isolation, imagination, and longing for personal connection using digital animation, sound, and imagery from children’s literature.


Photo: Isora Lithgow Creations


The 2024 exhibition year is presented by Mascoma Bank. Essential Figure and Rachel Rose: Lake Valley are sponsored in part by Leunig's Bistro & Café and the Maslow Family Foundation. Hospitality sponsors, Lake Champlain ChocolatesFarrell Distributing, and William Hill Estate Winery. Burlington City Arts is supported in part by The Vermont Arts Council & the National Endowment for the Arts.

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