Originally hailing from the Garden State, over 20 years ago Conor Lahiff transplanted to Vermont to attend college and for the love of snow and mountains, and never left. He now lives in Jericho in Mount Mansfield's shadow, with his Vermont native wife and two sons. Conor has always had a love for photography and art. His mother was an art teacher and has always been an artist, and his great uncle was a published photographer in New York City, specializing in flowers (more specifically roses). Though his education always focused on the sciences, his love for the arts has always been an undercurrent. Conor's full time "day job" is a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Burlington, wherein this position, he spends most of his time at a computer focused on scientific models of projected weather patterns. To escape the deck he satisfies his love for nature through landscape photography, and experiencing the outdoors through snowboarding or hiking, riding his motorcycle through Vermont's mountain roads, and working on his wife's classic 1966 Mustang in the driveway. Everywhere he adventures within Vermont and beyond, he almost always has his camera within arm's reach. Once the photographs are taken from the camera, a little bit of editing is almost always applied. The intent behind most of his work is to add a touch of the surreal to the existing beauty that exists in the subject at hand. Sometimes this includes high-dynamic-range imaging (HDR) and tone mapping, other times it's simply adding his watermark. At this point, photography is only a hobby for him, but as with many photographers, he has a strong desire to share his work with others. Check out his portfolio at conortlahiffphotography.com.