Past Exhibitions
Featured Artists:
Annelein Beukenkamp, Brendan Bush, Sarah Carlson-McNally, Cat Cutillo, Kylie Dally, Frank DeAngelis, Lorna Rose Dielentheis, Phillip Dolson, Kevin Donegan, Aleyna Feinberg, Barbee Hauzinger, Ella Whittemore Hill, Martha Hull, Aleda Kirstein, Caitlin La Dolce, Noah Lagle, Nikki Laxar, Sarah Letteney, Misoo, Zoe Nicholson, Scottie Raymond, Ken Russack, Seeko the Kid, Ross Sheehan, Sam Simon, Susan Smereka, Dakin Fuller Vasquez (f.k.a. Kara Torres), isaac wasuck, Corrine Yonce, and Johanne Durocher Yordan.
Stay Home / Stay Safe features 30 Vermont artists with new work created in response to the theme of ‘home’ and Vermont Governor Phil Scott’s Executive Order 01-20 | Amendment 6 [Stay Home/Stay Safe] emergency declaration. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the public mandate to remain at home, we are compelled to reassess our relationship to this essential place in an increasingly complex and uncertain world.
Beyond a physical building, a house or home embodies a state of being – one of comfort, security, and normalcy. While some have discovered a newfound sense of solace, others dwell in disquiet or boredom. And for far too many, there are those without a place to shelter, or those who are isolated in perilous circumstances. Stay Home / Stay Safe explores our evolving and complicated relationship to home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic through a diverse spectrum of media and aesthetic approaches.
Stay Home / Stay Safe Gallery Guide
Virtual Gallery Tour